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 The black heritage festival will be organised in august 2008 in GHANA it will exhibit the richness in terms of culture that Africa has to offer to the World at large. The event is currently under planning and details of the event will be made avialable  on this site soon ,keep checking for the details. 


Some brothers and sisters, some diseased and others still alive, laid down their lives in the quest of creating a better world for us as a people. They for went all the pleasures of life, dedicated their lives to seeking wisdom, knowledge and the understanding of the times, that of which they lived in and the beyond. They know the end from the beginning. they had faith  and stood for what they believed in ,devoted their very lives to the struggle .In this world which is itself a mystery in the sense of the word ,full of the  unknown, the lives of these brothers and sister has paved way for all seekers, to know in this unknown world the direction we should go. Their flaws, down falls and successes are sign post to our true home. They shed lights on to our paths for us to see our way clearly. They are our hero’s. That’s why they have to be celebrated . That’s why we have to honor them. The 2008, black history month will be celebrated in a very special way like never ever been celebrated before. Keep checking and watch out for the programs we have for you, soon we will make then available on our site.



“Do not be clouded by mere patriotism, that you do not consider your ways; truth and what is right are the only things you should be patriotic to, patriotism to any other thing is blindness and mere patriotism, because truth and righteousness never change. Truth is truth and what is right is right no matter when, what, where and whom they come from.”

                                                      Emmanuel Amanor